
I've been playing with the idea of becoming a game developer probably since I was a child and my father bought a Commodor64 spending time to copy and compile code from magazines of the time.

After doing my Computer Science degree at University of Perugia I found that getting into the game industry was far more difficult that I had originally imagined, especially in Italy.

Using tools like Microsoft XNA, Unity or Unreal Engine it became simpler and over the years I realized many personal project having the aim to strengthen my skills.

I moved to Ireland and I lived in Dublin for two years to improve my english but without the opportunity to enter in the professional world of videogames.

The opportunity came where I would never expect it... in Italy.
I worked for 3 years in WhatWapp, one of the most important mobile video game companies in Italy, where I was part of several projects and where I learned a lot on a professional level.

And here we are, trying something new to help me grow further.

At University of Perugia I developed a Java 3D project called “interior design software” where it is possible to plan any room of the house. The user can also add additional furniture to the plan and in real time the software renders the room with the added components.